Wednesday, October 26

Pros and Cons of the World Series...

  • Go to go to work later than scheduled: PRO
  • Edit one VO the entire time there: CON
  • Extra time to finish work for school: PRO
  • Extra hours at work when I could be sleeping: CON
  • Numerous rounds of Dutch Blitz: PRO
  • 6 1/2 hours of wasted time: CON
  • Show cancelled before game ends: PRO
  • Speeding ticket while hurrying home: CON
  • Nice cop who saves me $50: PRO
  • Still have to take $75 class: CON

I honestly have no desire to ever watch a World Series Game again in my life. Those fucking Astros suck donkey balls and if they win tonight I will seriously head to Steers and Queers-ville and kick each one of them in each one of their nuts...individually. Fuckers.

"no i won't cry on the outside, anymore."


At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:25 PM, Blogger Jen said...



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