explosion of the eye
why did i question him? i've always known there was love and yet, i can't always believe it. not because of anything he does. just because its hard to convince myself that someone can love me like that for this long. why haven't i scared you away yet?
things are good, though. i'm trying to make the best of these next few months. come december, the desired plan would be gulf coast after christmas, viacom january to june-ish, and syracuse july to august '06. 18 months without him. without them all. there will be more, elsewhere. but these are special. more special than anyone anywhere else could ever be to me.
damn...we've been pretty fucking lucky these last few years. shit has happened left and right as we've gone about our lives, but that's whats made the relationships strong and lasting. hopefully they will remain just as strong over however many miles there will be between me and everyone else.
"no i won't cry on the outside, anymore."
Hopefully looking at Zack and I, and Lauren and Todd you can see that not being with Derek that long is going to suck, but it is totally doable. You've been away from him before, It is obvious to everyone, even a newcomer (I guess I'm not THAT new anymore but still new) that the boy is absoultly crazy about you. Sometimes you just need to do things for you, and all of these plans sound like amazing opportunites for you. Leaving behind your old friends is hard, but it's so amazing to make new ones, it changes your life, who you are, and that is a good thing! Your old friends are some of the most amazing people I've ever met, in the way that they seem so incredibly caring and loyal. It doesn't matter how far away you go, or how long your gone, they will be there for you when you get back. Probably holding a bottle of chilly beer and a celebratory waffle in hand to welcome you home.
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