Monday, September 19


don't forget all...the omaha news airs this wednesday at 4 pm live on cox channel 17. it'll be on again other days and times but i honestly can't remember when. i'll let you know when i'm reminded.

tracy madden (wowt) came to talk to us today about how she made it to where she is and some tricks of the trade to get where you want to go. attitude is everything is what she says. so i kind of always knew that but it's good to hear it from a professional. especially because that other tracy character that i'm forced to work with has such a poor attitude and has made it to lead anchor in a mid-sized market.

madden said something else that made me think. she said that we should stop reaching for those top 10 markets if it isn't something at the top of our lists. her example was a photog in chicago wouldn't necessarily get to edit solid packages that touch the viewers, b/c they might get stuck in live truck all the time. same must go for new york, i suppose. got me thinking, but i'm pretty sure that those large markets draw me in so much more than the specifics of my job. i'm interested in virtually every aspect of the production process so whatever job i get i will more than likely be pretty satisfied (haha, non-committal phrase to the fullest jess!).

so now that i'm talking to people who don't read this journal...i guess i'll stop writing. yes. good. mmhmm...biology tomorrow. todd pooped. both stink ass.

"no i won't cry on the outside, anymore."


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