Sunday, July 17

media ethics 101

as a journalist, don't tell your sources that they can remain anonymous. simple as that. why is it that individuals who have been in the industry for such a long time are unable to understand such a juvenile concept? i don't know. i guess it just seems to me that the story will come out if it is meant to-in some shape or form. whether your newspaper, magazine, or newscast has the scoop doesn't seem to be the most important concern to me. don't jeopardize national security. don't jeopardize your freedom and your career for some punk ass who is too chicken to reveal that he-or she-did something that shouldn't have been done. whoever leaked information to judy miller, matthew cooper, and robert novak should have stepped up a long time ago to claim responsibility. whoever you are. you suck ass. way to go judy. robert sucks though; he's a weasel. cooper got lucky. it all sucks donkey balls. poop on it.

"no i won't cry on the outside, anymore."


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