Wednesday, July 6

html = how to make love (sorry i'm a dork)

so, i just got done messing around with the html what not/hoo-haw on this thing. it was pretty addictive. i think that i have spent the last hour, or 2, or something like that on it.

the fun thing about it is that i have no idea what i am doing. so i think that derek has to get on here and then he is going to bed. so i guess i'm going home with missy and then i will more than likely work on this thing some more because i want to make it just right. and i would really like to learn more about how to go about doing it.

so i apologize for the fact that it doesn't look amazing just yet...but don't worry, it will.

love to all. family guy is funny. hippies smell. that is neat.

"no i won't cry on the outside, anymore"


At 11:59 PM, Blogger Hootah said...


I'm new at this too. Can you tell me how you got that pic across your page?




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